Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Long Time Coming

I think I’ve been watching too many Disney movies lately.

There! I’ve said it!  That statement has probably been a long time coming. :)

Well…maybe not watching too many Disney movies but maybe obsessing a little too much over movies that are Disney-ish.

This morning while reading I had one of those 'slap you over the head moments’.   You see, right now I’m stressed and worried and overly judgmental and critical about everyone and everything around me.  My husband probably thinks its the hormones or something.  But for the last week or so I’ve been barely able to enjoy much because I’ve been so overwhelmingly bogged down by stuff.  Stuff that could be considered big stuff, stuff that is as small as deciding what to have for lunch.  Just stuff.

Here comes the ‘slap you in the head’ moment.  Life, even though I want to believe it, is not a Disney movie all about me.  Life is not a screen play in which I’m the main character and all other people are just background characters.  Unfortunately, I’ve been treating some people like just that, background characters, undervalued and at times judged.

This mini revelation was brought to my attention while reading one of Don Miller’s books, Blue Like Jazz.  Shortly after reading his description of this realization in his life Don quickly makes the connection to what this really means and I thought it was super impactful,
     “…[Manning] went on to speak of the great danger of a harsh word, the power of unlove to deteriorate a person’s heart and spirit, and how, as representatives of the grace and love of God, our communication should be seasoned with love and compassion.”

Reflecting on these thoughts and words shared by Miller really struck a cord with me.  I can so easily see how I’ve put myself as the main character in a story and view so much of the world as it only relates to me.  How I felt, or how I was going to deal or how I react.  How selfish! I’m called to love and to show grace and instead I too often wonder how other decisions or others actions are going to impact my life.

Disney movies will always be some of my favorite childhood memories, and I believe in the wonder and magic that they can inspire while telling a story.  Along with that, I even believe in each person being a significant character in their own life.  But when watching Disney movies all too often I forget about the story from the perspective of the comedic snow man, or the handsome prince, I forget about the sister or the mother, the best friend or the seven weird looking guys.  I have my role to play in the movie of life, but I’m not the main character.  I don’t get to go around flying off the handle when things don’t turn out the way I imagined.  It’s not about me.  It never was.

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