Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Long Time Coming

I think I’ve been watching too many Disney movies lately.

There! I’ve said it!  That statement has probably been a long time coming. :)

Well…maybe not watching too many Disney movies but maybe obsessing a little too much over movies that are Disney-ish.

This morning while reading I had one of those 'slap you over the head moments’.   You see, right now I’m stressed and worried and overly judgmental and critical about everyone and everything around me.  My husband probably thinks its the hormones or something.  But for the last week or so I’ve been barely able to enjoy much because I’ve been so overwhelmingly bogged down by stuff.  Stuff that could be considered big stuff, stuff that is as small as deciding what to have for lunch.  Just stuff.

Here comes the ‘slap you in the head’ moment.  Life, even though I want to believe it, is not a Disney movie all about me.  Life is not a screen play in which I’m the main character and all other people are just background characters.  Unfortunately, I’ve been treating some people like just that, background characters, undervalued and at times judged.

This mini revelation was brought to my attention while reading one of Don Miller’s books, Blue Like Jazz.  Shortly after reading his description of this realization in his life Don quickly makes the connection to what this really means and I thought it was super impactful,
     “…[Manning] went on to speak of the great danger of a harsh word, the power of unlove to deteriorate a person’s heart and spirit, and how, as representatives of the grace and love of God, our communication should be seasoned with love and compassion.”

Reflecting on these thoughts and words shared by Miller really struck a cord with me.  I can so easily see how I’ve put myself as the main character in a story and view so much of the world as it only relates to me.  How I felt, or how I was going to deal or how I react.  How selfish! I’m called to love and to show grace and instead I too often wonder how other decisions or others actions are going to impact my life.

Disney movies will always be some of my favorite childhood memories, and I believe in the wonder and magic that they can inspire while telling a story.  Along with that, I even believe in each person being a significant character in their own life.  But when watching Disney movies all too often I forget about the story from the perspective of the comedic snow man, or the handsome prince, I forget about the sister or the mother, the best friend or the seven weird looking guys.  I have my role to play in the movie of life, but I’m not the main character.  I don’t get to go around flying off the handle when things don’t turn out the way I imagined.  It’s not about me.  It never was.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Making Much of Me or Him?

It’s been quite a while since I’ve written much.  I’m not sure why but tonight seems to be a night for writing, so we’ll see what happens.

My daily schedule has been a little monotonous lately.  Quite frankly, I find myself living for the weekends and as I sit and think about it, I know an awful lot of people who are right there along with me.

But...I read a quote today that struck me.

     “This after all is the goal of the American Dream: To make much of ourselves.  But here the Gospel and the American Dream are clearly and ultimately antithetical to each other.  While the goal of the American Dream is to make much of us, the goal of the Gospel is to make much of God.”

I think the reason this quote struck me is because I can relate to this.  I have found myself pursuing this so called 'American Dream’ during my weeks.  I get up and work the day away, I check things off my ’to do list’ and I crawl into bed feeling exhausted and almost sorry for myself for having to work ’so hard’ (I sound like a total spoiled baby here).

But when I read this quote I have a major “Check your motives” moment. You see, I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with the American Dream, I’m just examining my motives for doing anything and everything that I’ve put on my to do list lately (which is quite long by the way). <--- you see, I’m kinda a spoiled brat.

Basically, tonight I’m sitting here just thinking of the reasons behind all of my ‘to dos’.  The real question that gives insight to my motives is; Am I making much of myself or much of God through all these things?

Here is where I admit that I have fallen short. I have lacked the ambition and motivation that God is calling us toward.  I have failed.

In all that I’m doing I’m not constantly making much of God.  Sometimes I find I am stuck in this world where I am striving and constantly trying to keep up with the latest and greatest in order to reach some sort of finished and complete version of me and when I’m stuck in that world it is ALL ABOUT ME!  Then I remember so clearly when I read a quote like the one above what this life is all about, it’s not about me at all.  I’m a part of a story that is so big and so intricate that it’s impossible for everything to be about me.

The reality is, I will never be a complete and finished, perfect person.  I will most likely always have a ’to do’ list.  And so, when I look at my ‘to do’ list tomorrow I will continue to do my best in checking off tasks, but I can feel a renewed sense of purpose in those things, an excitement to accomplish what ever it is that makes much of God and less of what makes much of me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Simple Update for the New Year

The beginning of the year always warrants a little update on my life.  I have to say I didn’t really make any New Year’s resolutions last year, and I haven’t really felt the need to make any resolutions this year either.  I guess it’s not that I don’t feel that resolutions aren’t a good thing, I have just set goals throughout the whole year and continue to set goals to better myself as a person, as a child of God, as a fiance, as a daughter and sister, as a friend, as a teacher and coach.  There are always so many things that I’m striving for and that means that I’m constantly failing and constantly picking myself back up and trying again.  I’m never all put together and I’m never a finished product.

Some of the more recent goals I’ve been working toward can serve as an  update.

Lance- Our wedding is July 13.  There are obvious goals here that we’ve got to get accomplished and honestly we are off to a good start.  I guess my more subtle goal related to this would be to enjoy this journey and enjoy this time.  It’s easy to be sad that we live 3 hours apart, it’s easy to be disappointed that we don’t get to spend much time together and it’s easy to wish for July 13 to be here as quickly as possible.  All those things are so hard for me to put aside because I cannot wait to be Lance’s wife, but I know that this time in our relationship is just as important as the time that we get after we are married and I would like to enjoy this time too.

Insanity- Ugh…fitness goal are to simply be healthy. :)

Teaching- Some of you may know that I’ve had the challenge of putting together a curriculum that aligns to the Iowa Core.  It’s not a small task and very time consuming, but my goal is to make Math relevant for my 7th graders.

This is one of my less inspired post, I hope it serves as a simple update.

All We Need is Love, Furious Love

**Disclaimer: With so many opinions flying around about subjects closely related to this blog, I want to make it clear that I respect the thoughts and ideas of others and I’m in no way claiming my opinions to be ‘right’ or ‘better’.

It’s so hard to look at the world.  Just watching the news makes me want to take every ounce of innocence that is left in this world and keep that innocence hidden away and protected.

There are tragic events that are told, there are scandals and cheating that are uncovered, there are countless stories of heartache, hate and belittling.   It’s heartbreaking to think that the all of human’s existence has come to this.

Normally I’m not one to focus on the negatives and honestly I try very hard to not watch the news and get caught up in all the ugly things going on in this world.  I will continue to do that.  But first I have something that I need to throw out there.

There are so many theories about the reasons for some of the more tragic and prominently covered events.  Some people think that the reason someone could commit these terrible tragedies is because they have access to guns, or they spend too much time playing video games, or they are mental ill, or a whole host of other reasons.

I can’t say that I believe any of these things can really be ruled out, but I do believe there is more to the story.

I read a snippet from one of my favorite authors, Brennan Manning, recently.  I’ll paraphrase,

‘If you took all of the great mothers and fathers in the entire world and combined all their selfless and unconditional love, all their patience and goodness, all their wisdom , all of their tenderness and all of their kindness and put all that into one person.  That one person would merely stand in the shadows of the furious love God has for us.’

To most people that may seem a little off topic, but really when you think about a love this big, you can’t help but realize that a love this big changes people.  God’s love is more influencing than that of amazing parents or a kind mentor.  If some tragedies could be kept from happening just because of the love and influence of a parent or mentor, how much more change could we see in the world if the love of God was experienced by so many?

That, the furious love of God, is the reason I can’t solely blame guns and video games.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving and Humility?

Whoooa!!! Watch out, Anna’s gonna blog… yikes!!! It’s been a while, do I still remember how to do this?

Just write what’s on your heart, right?

Ok, I can do that.

Honestly, I’ve got a heart that’s a little full right now so this should work out.

-News Flash--This week is Thanksgiving(I know, I know…really??) :)

Most posts around this time of year are all about how much we have to be grateful for and how thankful the blogger is about this and that.  Well, this one might take a little different spin.

As most of you know, I teach.  I do it for a living.  I teach spunky 13 year olds and I teach crazy 18-20 year olds.  I love it, I love to teach.  In fact, can’t imagine doing anything else.

Well, this afternoon on my lunch break from teaching those spunky teenagers I was reading a devotional by John Piper.  And my heart instantly began to trickle full of thoughts of gratefulness. Now, this wasn’t the afore mentioned, typical devotion on being thankful or grateful, it had a different spin.

The Bible warns that ‘in the last days there will come times of stress.  For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful’ (2 Tim 3;1-2)

Side note- looking around the world today how sad is it that these things are so evident, it makes my heart hurt…anyway…

It is later pointed out that gratitude is the opposite of all of these 'ugly' things.  Further, the reason for this is that the feeling of gratitude is a feeling of being humbled.

In this life we have done nothing that is good, not one thing.  We deserve death.  We are condemned.  We have no reason or right to be arrogant or proud.


We have the grace of a loving God who has given everything so that we may experience life, so that we are not condemned, so that we can show goodness and show love.

If that is not the definition of humble, I don’t know what is.

As I think to the lives that I am blessed to interact with everyday, whether it be the middle schoolers, the athletes, my family or even myself.  I pray that I am humbled to be in a situation where I can love on them, walk with them, encourage them and impact their lives in a grater way.

When I think about what it really means to be thankful on Thursday, I will be looking through a lens of humility because ultimately I deserve nothing I have and I’m grateful for a God who loves me bigger than I will ever understand.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I’m Getting Married!!!

This blog is a long time coming!!!

One week ago today Lance got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.  I will never forget that moment, I will never forget his face while he was asking me, excitement, nerves, a big smile…it was perfect.

For those of you who haven’t heard the story yet, the really important part that you will want to know is that Lance had sent me a text earlier that week and told me that he loves everything about me and wouldn't want to change a single thing.  However, as he was pulling the ring out he told me that he actually would like to change something about me, he didn’t want me as a girlfriend anymore but rather he wants to marry me.  It was that fairy tale moment that every little girl dreams about.  It was also something that I had been praying to hear from a man such as him for a very long time.

In all of this excitement and overly excessive joy there has been something that has stood out to me in this last week.  I’ve been amazed at how God speaks to us and meets us where we are and in every situation we find ourselves. There have been several times this week, starting with the sermon on Sunday morning where I’ve found myself listening or reading God’s words on marriage.  The re ac curing theme is from Ruth.

      Where you go, I go.  Where you will stay, I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.  

I can’t even express to you how excited I am to marry this man.  He has made me a better person and loves and adores me for everything that makes me who I am.  He prays with me and prays for me, he challenges and encourages me and he even calls me out when I need to be held accountable.  I’ve never felt more loved by any single person.  I’ve never felt so lucky to have been giving this precious gift of a relationship with him.

I’m more than delighted to say that I’ve found a to man whom I can say, 'Where you go, I go.  Where you will stay, I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God will be my God’.

And as a couple, as Lance and Anna, the future Mr. and Mrs. Moser, we will rejoice in the gift of each other in our lives and the gift of love that has been entrusted to us.

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Both Kinda Day

Today was a day of really great things.

I had a cranky, crabby, tough day today.


I would be too if I were you.

When I woke up this morning I was undecided on how my day would go.  Normally I can wake up and sense that right away it’s going to be a ‘I wish I could stay in bed all day’ kinda day, or a ‘this is going to be a rockin awesome’ day.

Today was neither of those.

Today was actually both of those, but I just didn’t know it yet.

Because I was undecided on how my day was about to go I decided that I needed to take some time to talk to God.  I found myself turning the radio off and actually talking out loud to God.  I’m sure I looked/sounded like a fool if anyone would have seen/heard me.  Oh well…not the first time… :)

It’s been a while since I talked to God.  I mean, I’ve prayed a lot lately and a lot about specific things, but all my prayers have been in passing or while I’m falling asleep.  So, this was different.  This was good.

After that, I thought that there might be some hope for the day to turn out pretty good, little did I know today was the day for every seventh grade Math student to ‘forget’ all the wonderful mathematical wisdom their loving teacher had bestowed upon them.  It was also the perfect day for all middle schoolers and their teachers to want more than anything for it to be summer….ugh!

So, as you can see, really good and really not so good.

But here is where me making sense of things really does get good.  After chatting with God this morning, God showed me that He is in control and He has a plan, He showed me that there is light to look forward to in something that before seemed so negative and dark.  It was something I needed.
I was also reminded today after school that the reason that I’m in teaching isn’t to be mad at kids all the time.  I’m there to build relationships and enjoy them.  I have to be a resilient teacher and have some fun sometimes.

God is so good to me.  The lessons I'm thrown into never cease to amaze me.  I’m blessed in the rockin awesome days and I’m blessed through the days where I wish I would have just stayed in bed.